Lesson 10 Supplemental Resources
The Overflow
This link takes you to the official CSS documentation on the
overflow property.
Overflow Property
Here's a page on the overflow property with a Try-It-Yourself Demo
from W3Schools.com.
and Captions
Here you'll find more techniques for adding captioned images to your
CSS Library Image CSS
This page has CSS techniques for displaying captioned images from a
thumbnail gallery. I've included a page called CSSThumbs.htm in the
samples you downloaded for this course that simplifies the technique
a little by using descendant selectors rather than style classes.
Free On-screen Ruler for Windows
This site contains a free on-screen ruler for Windows.
Free On-screen
Ruler for Mac
Here's another free on-screen ruler, but it's for the Mac.
SEO Benefits of CSS
This link takes you to a page on using absolute positioning in a
layout in SEO-friendly ways.
Cascading Style Sheets and Absolute Positioning
This page, from the Search Engine Workshops site, is a little dated.
But the section on using absolute positioning still holds true.