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Lesson 9 Supplemental Resources

Visual Formatting Model
This is the W3C's official documentation on the many ways you can position elements using CSS.

Here's where you'll find the official W3C page on all the different units of measure you can use with CSS properties.

Click this link for Wikipedia's definition of baseline, as well as other typographical terms like x-height, ascender, and descender.

This official W3C specs section describes hyphenation.

This page provides the W3C's full documentation on the CSS vertical-align property.

Understanding Vertical-Align
This page describes how to vertically align content.

CSS Vertical Centering Using Float and Clear
This page illustrates a div that's centered vertically and horizontally in the browser window. It uses a technique similar to that in Chapter 5. You have to look at the source code of the page to see the CSS styles used.