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Lesson 4 Supplemental Resources

Here is a great resource for anyone looking to get a better understanding of floats. You'll also find examples of using floats to display graphic images in a tabular format without using tables.

CSS Float Property
You'll find a brief but useful description of the CSS float property along with some examples in this site.

Here's the full story on floats from the W3C.

Color Palette Generator
Do you already have a background image in mind for a site? Wondering exactly what colors it contains? Send the picture to this site to find out.

Genopal Online
If you're looking for a quick and easy way to find colors that go well together, make sure you check out this site.

CSS Background
Click this link for some great examples and reference materials on using background images.

CSS Background Image Guide - CSS tutorial
Check this link out for a quick tutorial on using background images.

This page provides some good information on using background images.

Working With Background Images and CSS
Here you'll find tips and techniques for using CSS background images in Dreamweaver 8.

Colors and Backgrounds
This link takes you to a W3C page of all the CSS properties concerning colors and background images.