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Lesson 8 Supplemental Resources

Web Page Layouts Shouldn't Use Tables This link takes you to a page that discusses creating page layouts the XHTML way, without using tables. You'll also find links to free page templates that use headers, footers, columns, and sidebars. We'll look at sidebars and columns in our next lesson.

Freelance Web Designers—What Does Your Web Site Say About You? This page discusses the kinds of skills freelance web designers need to get hired. You'll notice XHTML mentioned in a couple of places.

Visual Formatting Model Here you'll find all the W3C's technical specifications for laying things out on a Web page. I think it's more information than most people need to know and more technical than most people can understand. But it might be worth adding to your favorites for future reference.

Zen Garden: The Beauty of CSS Design Here's a Web site that shows what professional graphic artists can do with XHTML and CSS. Links under the "Select a Design" heading take you to other pages with similar content but different designs. It's intimidating for folks just getting started with Web design (not to mention the non-artists among us!). But you just might come up with some good ideas for your own site by browsing through the designs.