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Lesson 3 Supplemental Resources

Style Sheet Classes Click this link to reinforce what you've learned in this lesson about style classes.

CSS Classes Visit this page for another quick tutorial on CSS classes.

Making Custom Classes Here you'll find yet another good tutorial on creating CSS classes.

Use Class With Semantics in Mind This site offers some good advice on naming CSS classes.

Common Fonts to All Versions of Windows & Mac This page provides examples of fonts found on most Windows and Mac computers.

Code Style Font Sampler and Survey Click this link for a great resource on all things related to using fonts on the Web, including definitions for all the jargon.

XHTML Character Entity Reference Here's a great resource for special characters. If you don't already have such a resource in your browser's bookmarks or favorites, consider adding this one.

Character Entity Reference HTML 4 Even though this page title refers to HTML, the same character entities apply to XHTML.

How W3Schools Was Converted To XHTML Here you'll find a brief description of how the W3Schools Web site upgraded from traditional HTML to XHTML. This is actually the fifth in their brief Introduction to XHTML tutorial.